Whether your team is presenting to you, to your clients, or to other groups in your organization, you want the message they deliver to be crystal clear and persuasive.
If you’re spending too much time in overly-detailed presentations or are receiving cluttered slides, chances are you’re sending mixed messages about the kind of communication you want, need, and expect.
Join us on Friday, March 10th at
1 pm Eastern time, 10 am Pacific time
In this 45-minute webcast and Q&A, one of Duarte's master facilitators, Scott Stiefvater, tackles the fundamentals of visual simplicity and teaches you the rules managers can implement to help encourage a culture of clarity. You’ll learn:
- How clutter contributes to confusion and why white space leads to clarity
- Which expectations are counterproductive to visual simplicity
- Why it’s important to distinguish between documents and visual aids
- The difference between an informed conversation and a persuasive presentation
- How to teach your team to present to an executive
- How to get the “take-away” information you need while avoiding the cluttered presentation
About the SpeakerScott Stiefvater, Senior Facilitator for Duarte
Scott has trained individuals and organizations within the financial, healthcare, pharmaceutical, packaged goods, marketing, education, high-tech, biotech, and non-profit markets to develop engaging presentations that move audiences to action. He brings 13 years of experience as a teacher and 10 as a corporate video producer to the Duarte Academy, and holds a B.A. in Sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Can't make it? Register anyway, and we'll send you a recording after the webcast.
I hope you can join, spots are limited!
Deborah Eastman
Chief Client Officer, Duarte